wright flyer in Chinese
- 飞行者1号
- 莱特飞行器
- "wright" in Chinese : n. 工人,制作者,…工,…匠〔现在主要用于复合词: p ...
- "flyer" in Chinese : n. 1.飞鸟;航空器,飞行物。 2.飞行者,飞行员。 ...
- "the wright flyer" in Chinese : 莱特飞行者
- "flyer" in Chinese : n. 1.飞鸟;航空器,飞行物。 2.飞行者,飞行员。 3.能飞跑的动物;快 ...
- "will wright" in Chinese : 威尔・莱特; 威特
- "wright" in Chinese : n. 赖特〔姓氏〕。 n. 工人,制作者,…工,…匠〔现在主要用于复合词: ...
- "amateur flyer" in Chinese : 业余飞行员
- "bagus flyer" in Chinese : 南十字星; 天马行空
- "curl flyer" in Chinese : 毛刷式放线装置
- "flier, flyer" in Chinese : 空中飞人
- "flyer and presser" in Chinese : 翼锭及翼锭压片(纺织)
- "flyer bobbin" in Chinese : 粗纱管
- "flyer deliver" in Chinese : 拍纸法
- "flyer doubler" in Chinese : 翼锭并线机
"george wright" in Chinese, "wright cor" in Chinese, "wright effect" in Chinese, "wright brothers" in Chinese, "joe wright" in Chinese, "tom wright" in Chinese, "wright syndrome" in Chinese, "ian wright" in Chinese, "play wright" in Chinese, "wright dorell" in Chinese, "wright engineering ltd" in Chinese, "wright etching" in Chinese, "wright field oh" in Chinese, "wright inbreeding coefficient" in Chinese, "wright lake" in Chinese, "wright lorenzen" in Chinese, "wright method" in Chinese, "wright mt" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of wright flyer in Chinese and how to say wright flyer in Chinese? wright flyer Chinese meaning, wright flyer的中文,wright flyer的中文,wright flyer的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.